Shape the Sky Social Media and Youth Tech Trends Training for Adults Only

Our guest speaker will be Ryan Klingensmith of Shape the Sky, a company dedicated to cyber safety.
He will review popular apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, Tik-Tok, and others. Parents will learn how youth can be exposed to things like drugs, sex, and mental health issues via these technologies, and that a lot of what a child is doing can be hidden from plain sight.  Ryan’s message is helpful for parents because it gives you the resources to be able to talk to your kids about internet safety, and what your expectations are when it comes to the web.
*There will be light appetizers starting at 5:30, and the program will begin at 6:00.  
*All students who bring their parents will get free admission to the dance!  Dance will run concurrently with the apps program (only WHMS students permitted to attend the dance). 
*Parents are more than welcome to attend even if their child is not attending the dance.  
**This presentation is a “must-see” for all parents of teens and pre-teens, so we hope to see you all there! 
Any questions please call: 
Ray Killen
WHMS Guidance Counselor